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Dinner Party @sTARTUp Day 2022

Accelerate Estonia will be hosting a small dinner party on the 24th of August at 5-8PM @Kolm Tilli to kick off sTARTUp Day.

sTARTUp Day 2022 is just around the corner and Accelerate Estonia’s team has been hard at work to make the most of it. Partnering with the international research institution Happiness Foundation we are putting together several keynotes and seminars at sTARTUp Day.

But as you know sTARTUp Day is not just about big stages and world class speakers, it’s even more about networking.

We want to create a fascinating evening full of new connections amidst international leaders in the field of innovation and wellbeing so that we can create collaborations on building a future where human wellbeing is prioritized.

During the past year one of our focus missions has been mental health. We know that it urgently needs bold and effective solutions and at this moment, we continue to encourage the discussion and efficient partnerships.

Thus, we have a big question to solve together (as you might know we are keen on moonshots and audacious ideas), quoting our partner: “How to leverage future technologies and our collective imagination to create a progressive economy built around what truly make human thrive and life worthwhile – happiness, joy, contentment, fulfillment and possibly, bliss?”.

Last but absolutely not least – let’s have fun, enjoy the delicious food and drinks and kick-off the startup festival.


If you can join us on the 24th, please register HERE by the 19th of August!