
Our Alumni

To reach the 2030 education targets, the world needs about 69 million new teachers.

Personalized learning journey

Surveys show that during a year 25% of workers experience a mental health issue.

Staff mental health management

We are creating a digital platform to provide information for the whole treatment team who can track a patient’s treatment path in a common information field and provide timely assistance.

Platform for a clear treatment path of depression patients


Pipeline for mental health solutions market access

We will create an open infrastructure that enables the declaration and discovery of rights related to digital media

Data register for digital content rights

We will create a self-assessment and data analysis solution together with a mental health services market place concept for students.

Mental health monitoring and prevention for students

Pattern Buildings
We will create an open platform for designing and constructing modular buildings to enable circular construction

Modular Buildings Platform for Circular Construction

In 2022, the sustainable finance taxonomy enters into force in European Union

Taxonomy of sustainable financing

We will create an innovative community energy model in Estonia for local communities and municipalities to prepare renewable energy projects and start producing locally renewable energy for local communities.

Community energy model

We create community based nutrient cycling models that regenerate planetary health and make healthy food available to everyone.

Using biowaste in sustainable food production

We create the digital infrastructure that enables effective policy and rapid growth of circular textiles

Digital infrastructure for circular textiles

Female scans face using facial recognition system on mobile phone for biometric identification. Future hi tech technology and face id
Sentinel’s vision is to establish Estonia as the leading country in the world when it comes to the fight against information warfare.

Countering information warfare