We are creating a digital platform to provide information for the whole treatment team who can track a patient’s treatment path in a common information field and provide timely assistance.

Platform for a clear treatment path of depression patients

Ann Leen
Ann Leen Mahhov
Clear treatment path of depression patients

The prevalence of depression in Estonia is 3% of the population, of whom as many as 70% are of working age. It also makes depression one of the main causes of incapacity for work. In 2019, the cost of patients diagnosed with depression to the state was nearly 27 million euros. There is an urgent need for effective and consistent treatment and support from several specialists at the same time, but according to the Estonian Health Insurance Fun, the availability of mental health services is not available quickly or evenly to some people in need due to lack of resources and labor and increasing demand.


Personal approach and common field of information for the whole treatment team will make the treatment plan activities more effective and the stages will be less fragmented between different specialists and stages. Each patient follows a unique treatment path. That’s why it is necessary to have a modular overview of different stages and a wholesome picture of the treatment, that consists of both medical and life support services. A properly functioning information field between different parties will decrease the costs for the state and burden of a patient, making the treatment path logical, easy to follow and enable the timely help needed for the patient.


During our experiment in Accelerate Estonia, we are collaborating with different parties of the treatment team. In the innovation of the treatment path and for the TheraSync digital journey it is critical that it is based on real life needs and cases. Our goal is to create an opportunity to use innovative technologies as part of the treatment process. To this end, we are mapping the preconditions, opportunities, needs and obstacles for the implementation of these technologies.


The patient’s treatment path is individual, but usually includes visits to various specialists in connection with the initiation of treatment, its monitoring and a gradual reduction. For example, a patient may visit a family doctor, family nurse, psychiatrist, or psychologist. He or she may also need help from a social service provider. It is important to adapt the platform to the needs of the individual, showing a wholesome picture of the possible help and treatment team members. 

Therasync scheme

Our goal is to create a new reality where the patient’s treatment path is smooth and coordinated and the necessary assistance is provided at the right time. All in all, everyone benefits from a common platform: the patient, who is not left alone with the problem and receives the necessary treatment on time; professionals who can do their job effectively and make the right treatment decisions; and the state, because timely treatment saves subsequent additional treatment costs but also enabling the blooming of healthier and happier population.